Questions about how to live a Godly life.
Title | Description |
Adultery, Divorce, and Remarriage | Can you commit adultery and marry the one with whom you commit it? |
After baptism, how does one continue to live in the spirit if the lust of the flesh is so great? | We cannot serve God and the flesh but only in spirit and truth; what does this mean? |
After death, do you still have to eat? | Does our glorified new body have physical functions? |
After we are "saved", does God tell us if something is keeping us from Him? | Would He remove the stumbling block for us? |
Are Christians supposed to differentiate between clean and unclean foods? | Were dietary restrictions done away by the Lord Jesus Christ? |
Are Christians supposed to follow all the Jewish holidays? | By "holidays" we take it you mean "holy days". |
Are the Jews and Israelites better than other people?. | Is there some genetic predisposition to goodness among the Jewish race? |
Are there different levels of faith? | How can faith be quantified? |
Are there different severities of sin? | What are the 7 deadly sins and the sin which God will not forgive? |
Are we all God's children in a spiritual battle? | How do we become children of God? |
Are we punished for sins we commit after baptism? | Are we automatically forgiven for all our sins following our baptism? |
Are we saved before baptism or after? | Is our salvation guaranteed at that point? |
Are women permitted to wear pants? | Are pants exclusively men's clothing? |
As a Christian, how can God forgive me when I fail Him? | What if I have committed very serious sins? |
As a committed Christian, will God forgive me if i sin? | Are expected to lead perfect lives? |
Because of my besetting sin, I have become a stumbling block to non-Christians. What can I do? | Should I stop following Jesus? |
Before Jesus, were people being baptized? | Is baptism a rite relevant only to Christians? |
Birth Control And The Bible | According to the bible, is the use of birth control (contraceptives) wrong? |
Blessings? | Blessings: What are they and how do they come about? |
Can a believer’s name be blotted out of the book of life? | Once we are saved, aren't we always saved? |
Can a Christian play the lotteries? | Is it a sin to buy lottery tickets? |
Can a cremated body be resurrected? | Does burning the body affect one's resurrection when Jesus returns? |
Can a saved person be a sinner? | Once we are "saved" can we still sin? |
Can a sinner be saved without baptism? | What if he or she whispers a prayer to God just before death? |
Can a smoker be saved? | Can smokers enter into the kingdom? |
Can full immersion by baptism, sincerely done, be invalid? | What constitutes a valid baptism? |
Can God change a person's heart? | Does our "free will" prevent Him from doing that? |
Can I be baptized more than once? | Are multiple baptisms legitimate? |
Can I be guaranteed to enter the Kingdom? | If we are "saved" is there no chance of losing that salvation? |
Can man change the mind of God? | How can we influence God? |
Can one lose the glory of God? | What is the "glory of God" anyway? |
Can someone inherit God kingdom without been baptised? | Is baptism really all that important? |
Can we be perfect in this life? | Does Matthew 5:48 mean that we can live on earth and be perfect now? |
Can we break a vow made to God? | What would be the consequences? |
Can we have direct contact with God today? | Do you believe that a person can have a personal relationship, like David did, with God today? |
Can you clarify freedom? | What is freedom in Christ? |
Can you explain 1 Corinthians 11:14-15? | What does the following verse (verse 16) mean then? |
Can you explain 1 Corinthians 6:18? | How is fornication a sin against one's own body? |
Can you explain Hosea 2:4,5? | Do children suffer for the sins of the parents? |
Can you explain John 3:30? | What relevance does John the Baptist's statement have for us? |
Can you explain Matthew 5:43-48? | Must we hate our enemies? Must we be perfect like God is perfect? |
Can you explain Romans 12:1-2? | How can we present our bodies for sacrifice? |
Can you grow in faith? | Don't you either just believe or not? How can faith increase? |
Can you lose your salvation? | Once saved are we always saved? |
Can you please explain Ephesians 5:16? | What does it mean to "redeem the time"? |
Changing Beliefs for Love | Should I change my religious convictions to be with someone of another faith? |
Children and Resurrection | What happens to our children who die at young age before Christ's return? |
Comfort for the jobless. | Can the Bible help me in my unemployment? |
Could Adam have asked forgiveness for eating from the forbidden tree? | Is Adam doomed to eternal death? |
Could you tell me about the widow's mite? | The widow's mite - a lesson in acceptable giving. |
Did Jesus die on a cross or on a stake? | Should we wear a cross in a gold chain around our neck? Should we have a cross in front of a church? |
Did Jesus have a sense of humour? | Did Jesus life and experience lend itself to humour? |
Divorce and remarriage | Can A Divorced Christian Remarry? |
Do all people continue to sin? | Is it possible to lead a sinless life? |
Do animals have immortal souls? | Do all good dogs go to heaven? |
Do babies have angels? | Guardian angels for babies? |
Do Christadelphians celebrate birthdays? | If so, why? If not, why not? |
Do Christians still need to pay tithes? | Tithes were given under the Law of Moses but didn't Jesus remove the law? |
Do dogs go to heaven when they die | Pets and the afterlife. |
Do Dogs have souls? | What happens when a beloved pet dog dies? |
Do infants and children go to heaven? | Are babies born sinful? Does anyone go to heaven? |
Do problems always come with faith? | Can Christians live a stress-free life? |
Do we need music in our worship? | Do we need to dance and use many instruments in our worship of God? |
Do we still have an evil nature after being born-again? | Do we still have an evil nature after being born-again? In light of 2nd Cor. 5:17? |
Does a wife's submission diminish her? | Role of women in the church. |
Does Alchemy fit in with the Bible? | Alchemy and the Bible. |
Does charity begin at home and not abroad? | Should charity be limited to "our own"? |
Does Christ forgive someone if they have an abortion? | Is abortion an unforgiveable sin? |
Does everyone have a angel? | Do we all have guardian angels? |
Does God cause diseases in some people? | Is all disease a punishment from God? |
Does God cause evil things to happen to people? | God's role in adversity. |
Does God ever laugh at us? | Surely He finds some of our antics amusing? |
Does God forgive suicide? | Is suicide sinful? |
Does God hate sinners? | Doesn't He hate the sin but love the sinner? |
Does God heal everyone? | Are miraculous healings real? |
Does God hear the prayers of sinners? | How can you be forgiven? |
Does God help us out of financial difficulties? | Seeking God's help in difficult times. |
Does God love everyone or not? | Are there limits to God's love? |
Does God really exist? | If so has He abandoned the world? If he truly loves us, why is life so difficult? Why do innocent children suffer? |
Does God want us to be rich? | The Gospel and money! |
Does life happen just by chance? | Is there a battle between evil forces and good forces and if so are we in the middle? |
Does man devise more evil because the Lord has delayed his coming? | Has Jesus' coming really been delayed? |
Does salvation include physical healing? | Do healings by the Holy Spirit happen today? |
Does the Bible confirm that at the resurrection we have no memory of our previous lives? | What will immortality be like? Will we lose our identity? |
Does the bible have anything against body piercings? | Do piercings etc. defile the body, the temple of the holy spirit? |
Does the Bible require us to dedicate babies today? | Wasn't Jesus dedicated as recorded in Luke 2:21-24? |
Does the Bible sanction Common Law relationships? | Can a couple be married in God's eyes without being officially married if they have lived together faithfully for many years? |
Does the Bible sanction self-defence? | May we use force to defend ourselves, our homes, our family, or our country? |
Does the bible speak against gambling? | What if I want to do good with my winnings? |
Eternal life, who needs it? | Can I be a Chrisitian without needing eternal life? |
Everything is possible for him who believes? | What did Jesus mean by "everything is possible"? |
Explain 1 Corinthians 2:11 | What is spiritual warfare? |
Explain 1Timothy 5:22-23 | Laying on of hands and drinking wine. |
Explain dissipation in Ephesians 5:18 | A warning against drunkenness and debauchery! |
Explain eye servant | Serving God out of love and diligence or just formality? |
Explain Proverbs 24:27. | What does "in the gate" mean? |
Explain Psalm 51:10 | How can one have a clean heart and a right spirit? |
Families in heaven? | Do we know our families in heaven? |
Finding yourself - how? | Who are we in God's estimation? |
From whom does the Bible say the Black race descended? | Did they come from one of the sons of Noah? |
Gossip vs venting - what is the difference? | Does gossip cease to be gossip because we feel justified in spreading it? |
How about sex in the bible - is there sex in heaven? | Is sexuality eternal? |
How are women vessels of honour? | Living together in grace as husband and wife. |
How can a child understand the word of God? | Sunday School resources. |
How can a Christian deal with this age of materialism? | Is it possible to be a true Christian these days? |
How can I achieve a personal relationship with God? | How can we know God? |
How can I be a better Christian and better leader in the church? | Can you recommend a good book? |
How can I be born again? | What is the process of spiritual re-birth in Christ? |
How can I become a better person? | What does the Bible say I have to do to be a better servant of the Lord? |
How can I control my anger? | When I am frustrated, I can become petty, argumentative, and stubborn. |
How can I find out what God wants of me? | What must I do to be saved? |
How can I find scriptures that apply to my life? | The Bible and guidance and solace for life. |
How can I forgive someone who has treated me badly? | It is very difficult to forgive the person who has wronged you at times! |
How can I know God's purpose for my life? | Does He have a particular purpose for me? |
How can I know that Jesus is real and not fiction? | Did he really live? Can my sins be forgiven through him? |
How can I know that my sins are forgiven? | Should I get a special feeling or what? |
How can i know what Gods plan for my life is? | What is God's plan for our lives? |
How can I lose my fear of death? | I believe in God and that Jesus his His son. I am so afraid of dying.
How can I pray? | Is there a set time or place or form of words? |
How can I preach? | Who should preach and how and when? |
How can I put Jesus first in my life? | What steps must I take? |
How can I seek the face of God? | How can I have my spiritual eyes and ears opened? |
How can one cope with poverty? | What is worse than poverty? |
How can one deal with false accusations and slander? | Will God provide a through such a trial? |
How can one maintain a holy life? | Living in holiness is so difficult in today's world so full of fleshly distractions. |
How can one pray for healing? | Is healing from a physical illness ever guaranteed? |
How can the Bible help us? | How can the bible help us out this dirty world full of crime and hunger? |
How can the principle in John 3:30 affect knowing God? | As Christ grows within us, the flesh diminishes.
How can we be less focused on the things of this world? | How can we keep focused on God? |
How can we be on top only (the head and not the tail)? | Should we expect success, wealth and power in this life? |
How can we become like Jesus? | Is it really possible for us to be like him? |
How can we create a bond in unity with our Heavenly Father? | How can we truly become children of God? |
How can we honor the Lord with our time? | How can we live faithfully amidst so many distractions? |
How can we prepare ourselves for fasting? | Is fasting even worth the effort? |
How can we put Jesus as the centre of our life? | How does a believer follow in the footsteps of Jesus? |
How can we put Jesus first in our lives? | Is there some secret to doing this? |
How can we put on the "new man" in Christ? | What is the "new man"? Is it a new form of being? Does it happen now or after death? |
How can we worship God in spirit and in truth? | The conjunction of right doctrine and right behaviour. |
How can witness to the love of God? | What can I do to show God's love to a world in darkness? |
How can you avoid being offended? | Is it even possible or profitable to totally avoid offense? |
How can you get a personal relationship with God? | How do you get to know the Father? |
How can you say that children will not be raised to life? | What will happen to children at the resurrection? |
How did we get different ethnic groups? | Do all the races really come from Adam and Eve? |
How do I deal with being hated for refusing to side with wrong? | Must I suffer persecution for doing right? |
How do I know if I have a forgiven heart? | Faith and forgiveness. |
How do I know if I'm paying tithes correctly? | Must Christians tithe? |
How do I know when am ready togive my life to Christ? | Baptism and commitment to Christ through the gospel. |
How do I regain the ability to love others as Christ wants us to love them? | Is Christ-like love dependent on emotion or is it more of a decision? |
How do I teach others about this "untoward generation"? | What does "untoward" actually mean? |
How do I use the "whole armor of God"? | Of what does the "whole armor of God" consist? |
How do we help those in need? | What is the best way of assisting others? |
How do we know that the Bible isn't just a book of myth and untrue legends? | What evidence is there that the Bible is true? |
How do we know when to eat unleavened bread and to keep the days of Passover? | Does it even matter if we are not Jewish? |
How do we thirst for God? | How can we differentiate the voice of God from the voice of the flesh? |
How do you apply understanding gained from the Bible? | How to make prayer and meditation systematic and powerful. |
How do you explain God to others? | Is it even possible to "explain" who God is? |
How do you know that God loves sinners but not the righteous? | Does God love sinners? Does He hate the righteous or, rather, the self-righteous? |
How do you learn what your purpose is? | Can the Bible help? |
How do you or I forgive? | Is forgiveness limited? |
How do you read the scriptures on finances? | Godliness with contentment and the love of money. |
How do you teach Acts 2:42? | Living together in Christ! |
How do you teach people to stay saved? | Living a consistent life in Christ. |
How do you write a petition to God? | Is it even possible to write a petition to God? |
How does God choose leaders for His people? | What are the qualifications for leadership in the church? |
How does God communicate with his children? | Is it only through the Bible that we hear the word of God? |
How does guilt affect our relationship with God? | The penalty of sin and the grace of God. |
How does one prepare for fasting? | Is fasting a valid practice for followers of Christ? |
How does sin affect our relationship with God? | Sin and death; grace and eternal life. |
How does the Bible help those looking for comfort? | How do we gain comfort, assurance, hope, and help from the Bible? |
How is it that God's people are allowed to suffer? | Can't God protect His own people? |
How is prayer communicating with God? | Doesn't it see rather one-way? |
How is the life of a worshiper expressed? | How do we show our faith in our lives? |
How is time management important to Christians? | How organized do we need to be in the way we spend our time? |
How many Laws of God are there? | Which ones still apply to us today? |
How may I cope with pain? |
How may I gain strength in my weakness? | How to overcome the flesh. |
How may we embrace prosperity as an opportunity to glorify God? | Is true prosperity a purely material condition? |
How often should we partake of "the Lord's supper"? | Should we partake only once per year on Passover? |
How should a Christian show his love for God at work? | How may one witness to Christ in the workplace? |
How should we respond to the needs in the world? | Showing Christian love to the needy. |
How should you deal with people who are rude,and hateful in one's family? | Family strife and turmoil. |
How to grow spiritually? | Daily reading, prayer, and action. |
How to save yourself from this untoward generation? | Avoiding the pitfalls of the flesh in this generation. |
How was Joshua successful? | Prayer and meditation yields success! |
How will I know when the promises of God are changing my life? | Will there be an event that let's me know? |
I am divorced. Can I remarry? | Is it ok to marry again and if remarried is it ok to be a pastor? |
I am recently divorced. I pray daily for reconciliation. What else can I do? | What can I do to overcome my despair? |
I believe in God - why is my business failing? | Why doesn't God help me with debt and failure? |
I feel like I'm losing my faith. | Shall I give up? I am at a crosswords. Where do I turn? |
I have committed sexual sins after becoming a Christian. | How can I overcome my lust? |
I have had visions of previous lives since I was born. Are they real? | Is re-incarnation true? |
I have never been married. Would it be sinful for me to marry a divorced man? | Is remarriage after divorce ever sanctioned by God? |
I know God can forgive you when you repent but how do you forgive yourself ? | I’m having a hard time forgiving myself for all the bad things that I did. How can I get over that? |
I read your article on conscience. What about the Holy Spirit's role? | Isn't spiritual growth dependent on the Holy Spirit only and not our own efforts? |
I suffer from Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder. Should I take medication to control it? | What does the Bible say about using modern medicine? Shouldn't God be our only healer? |
I want a lesson to help me connect to non-Christians. | What is difference between Christian and non-Christian? |
I want a miracle in my health but I am in sin. | I cannot get out of my sin. What should I do? |
I was born again and after 3 months lost my job, why? | Are Christians free from trial and difficulty? |
I would like to know more about the term repentance. | What does repentance actually mean in the New Testament? |
I would like to learn more about tithing. | Is tithing binding on Christians today? |
If a man kill another man can he be saved? | What are the limits of forgiveness? |
If a person swears will they inherit the kingdom of god? | Is cursing and swearing a grievous sin? |
If a woman has an abortion can she be forgiven? | Is abortion an unforgiveable sin? |
If God is love, will he ever send anyone to hell? | Does His love encompass unrepentant evildoers? |
If I am unemployed should I tithe? | Is tithing binding on Christians? |
If I confess my sin to God must I also confess it to a pastor? | Does the clergy mediate forgiveness of sins for members of their congregations? |
If I have lose my way in life, how can I find it again? | Faith, repentance, and restoration. |
If I join your church and my wife does not, am I condemned? | Would the unbelief of a spouse keep one out of a Christadelphian congregation? |
If two persons marry and one gets converted to Christ, should there be divorce? | Should a convert divorce an unbelieving spouse and marry a Christian? |
If you are a minister and people use profanity should you correct them? | Should we "correct" non-Christians when we see them sin? |
If you are a non christian and comitt suicide will you be forgiven? | Is suicide ever forgiveable? |
If you do good to others and get nothing back, is that casting your pearls before swine? | Should we only continue to do good to those who give us positive feedback? |
If you have been baptized do you need to do it again every time you sin? | Is re-baptism necessary for forgiveness of sins? |
If you repented of a sin and a few weeks later commit the same sin, what then? | Is that counted as real repentance? |
If your husband is dead is it right to stay single? | Is not remarrying after a spouse's death acceptable to God? |
Ignorance, Other Religions, and Salvation | What is the true basis of salvation? (please see the entire answer for a dialogue with Robert, the questioner.) |
In Bible days what was the longest period of time for a betrothal? | How quickly should a bridegroom take his bride in marriage after a betrothal? |
In light of recent violence how do I manage my feelings for the need to retaliate against such evil? | How can we cope with the feelings of retaliation while trying to follow the Christian doctrine of turning the other cheek? |
In the Bible is there a verse stating white people won't be allowed in heaven? | Does anybody go to heaven? |
In what does a man's life consist? | If it doesn't consist in the abundance of things that he possesses, then what? |
Interracial dating, marriage and the Bible. | What does the Bible say about mixing of races? |
Is a believer justified in being afraid? | Is fear a legitimate emotion for a believer? |
Is a church wedding commanded in the Bible? | Can one say that he or she is married after fulfilling every other marriage right but church wedding? |
Is abortion wrong? | Can abortion ever be justified? |
Is cremation a sin? | Does it matter how our bodies are disposed of after death? |
Is cremation considered a sin in the eyes of God? | Is the Bible against "eternal combustion"? |
Is drinking a sin? | May Christians partake of alcoholic beverages? |
Is eating pork sin? | What did Jesus say about this question? |
Is failing to address an unhealthy lifestyle a sin? | Are obese people living in sin? |
Is God black? | Are racial characteristics and differences important to God? |
Is God concerned and involved? | Is God a caring God who is actively involved in our world? |
Is having a baby out of wedlock a sin? | My boyfriend and I have been living together for several years. |
Is it a sin for men to have long hair? | What does it matter how long one's hair is? |
Is it a sin for women to preach? | Can women be priests or ministers |
Is it a sin to drink alcohol? | What if you do so in moderation? |
Is it a sin to not go to church and still believe in God? | What is the importance of fellowship? |
Is it Gods Will that I be healed? | Does God heal "on demand"? |
Is it good to be wth a unbeliever? | How should we be examples to unbelievers? |
Is it necessary to wash one's legs in the Passover service? | Are Christians required to keep the Passover? |
Is it not necessary to pay tithes? | If not, why not? |
Is it ok to celebrate Christmas? | The significance of Christmas |
Is it ok to study self-defence? | Is it ok to use violence in self-defence? |
Is it okay to have sex before marriage? | When is sexual intercourse appropriate? |
Is it okay to live with your boyfriend if you are not sleeping with him? | Since we are not married, is this still fornication? |
Is it okay to watch porn movies? | Surely it's not the same as actually indulging in fornication! |
Is it sin for women to wear pants? What does the command for women to be silent in church mean? | Must women wear dresses and skirts only? Can't they even sing hymns in church? |
Is it true that a divorced couple may not re-marry? | Is a remarried couple committing adultery? |
Is it true that God only answers the prayers of sinners? | Whose prayers does God hear? |
Is it wrong to eat meat rare or medium rare? | Are dietary prohibitions still in place? |
Is it wrong to hang out with my friends and go out with them if they are sinning? | What company should a Christian keep? |
Is it wrong to judge? | Is it ever proper for us to pass judgement on others? |
Is Jesus a black person or a white person? | What is the racial origin of Jesus? Does it matter? |
Is marrying outside my religion right? | Should I cut off my sister who has married a non-believer? |
Is masturbation wrong? | Lust and sinful desire. |
Is money "the root of all evil"? | What is wrong with money? |
Is not having sex before marriage a challenge from God? | Why did He make sex feel the way it does but then put a hold on it?" |
Is one drink per day wrong? | Is partaking of any alcoholic beverage sinful? |
Is overeating a sin? | About over eating? |
Is repentance necessary for sin to be forgiven? | What is necessary for our sins to be forgiven? |
Is standing Surety for someone a sin? | Is it right to support others' indebtedness? |
Is suicide the unpardonable sin? | How does God view suicide? |
Is temptation a sin or not? | What is the difference between temptation and sin? |
Is the Bible meant for sinners? | For whom was the Bible written? |
Is the use of "sex toys" forbidden in marriage? | What is the difference between lust and love in marriage? |
Is the use of intoxicating drugs sinful? | Can drugs like marijuana be used recreationally? God created them didn't He? |
Is there a curse on the black race? | Do black people have a curse from God placed on them? |
Is there a possibility of present perfection? | Can we live perfectly in this life? |
Is there any restriction on the age of baptism? | What are the pre-requisites to baptism? |
Is there healing and deliverance for us today? | What does healing and deliverance mean today? |
Is there such a thing as rebaptism? | Do I have to be baptised again if I've fallen away and have now come back?" |
Is watching porn a sin? | Is it not ok to just watch? |
Is watching pornography on TV wrong or sinful? | One is merely watching but not doing so where's the harm? |
Is yoga a religon? | Is doing Yoga exercises ok for a Christian? |
James 3:1 Why should teachers be judged more strictly than others? | What is it about teaching that merits a greater accountability than non-teaching roles? |
Jesus said in John 17:23 I in them and you in me. What does he mean? | The unity of believers with God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and with each other. |
Jesus said know one can come to me unless the Father draws him. Please explain. | How does the father "draw" people to His son? |
Jesus said whoever lives by the sword will die by the sword. | "the bible teaches me that if we live by the sword we will die by the sword.jesus also said to turn the other , is it wrong to protect ourselves and our families with fire arms? or does jesus speak of our spiritual sword,the word of god?" |
Jesus said, '...the kingdom of God is within you.' | So why do l need a church? |
Jesus walked on water. How can this strengthen my faith? | Walking with Jesus in the stormy seas of life. |
Jesus washed his disciples' feet. Do we have to do that? | Should we wash each other's feet literally? |
Makeup and Jewelry: are they appropriate? | Does the Bible prohibit the use of makeup and jewelry? |
Marriage and the clergy | Is a pastor or bishop not alowed to marry? |
Mathew 18:6 Did God permit suicide? | Was Jesus talking about suicide in this passage? |
May a widow get married again? | What are the restrictions, if any, of a widow remarrying? |
May Christians drink alcohol? | May we drink beer, wine, hard liquor? |
May we eat pork? | What dietary restrictions must a Christian observe? |
Meaning of mourn in the beatitudes? | Why are mourners "blessed"? |
Measures of faith - is everyone given the same? | Is faith a "talent" or a characteristic which is different in different individuals? |
Must Christians celebrate the festival of Unleavened Bread and the Passover ? | Are there any special days we must keep? |
My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Can the Bible help? | Can Bible reading promote healing? What verse says we will live to be 70 years old? |
New Testament tithing, is it the same as the Old Testament? | Should we pay tithes? If so, to whom? |
No matter what sin you have committed will God forgive you? | Do you have to confess your sins to someone or is it just between you and God? |
Obedience and Military Metaphors | Why in the world would you compare following Jesus to following a military leader? I seriously doubt he achieved such great status by barking orders and serving up commands. |
Only humans are existent beings? | Are we humans the only intelligent beings in the universe? |
Organ donation, is it right according to the Bible? | Are christians allowed to become organ donors? |
Passages on childlike faith, belief and worship. | What does "childlike faith" mean? |
Please explain how I can forgive extremists who commit horrible acts of terror. | I want retribution on them. I can't find it in my heart to forgive them. |
Please explain Proverbs 27:11. | How does the behaviour of a child or student reflect on the parent or teacher? |
Please give me Bible verses in relation to computer ethics. | How do we apply the moral teachings of scripture in the computer age? |
Please tell me how to pray correctly. | Is there a particular format or formula? |
Prayer for a meal, is it necessary? | Why do we say "grace" before a meal? |
Religion and Sports | Do the religious choices you make affect your performance in sports? |
Requirements for a bishop - please list them. | What are the qualifications for a leader in the church? |
Romans 13:8 Owe no man anything...What does this verse mean? | Does this include credit cards, loans for homes and cars, etc.? |
Scriptures that help me to fight the devil? | What is the Devil and how do we beat him or it? |
Scriptures to read about job loss. |
How do we deal with the stress and financial difficulties that come when we lose our job? |
Should a Christian be cremated? | Is cremation a sin? |
Should a Christian burn incense and light candles in worship? | What's wrong with burning incense and other such practices? |
Should a Christian man cover his head while praying? | Does it make any difference one way or the other? |
Should a Christian refuse to have an ID chip inserted into his body? | That is presuming that one day such ID chips become mandatory. |
Should a person work for a living? | Should we sit back in faith and wait for God to provide for us? |
Should an adulterer be confronted? | How do you approach a sinner with a view to his or her reclamation? |
Should I be buried when I die or can I be cremated? | Is cremation against scripture? |
Should I develop close relationships to ungodly people? | What should my relationship be to such people? |
Should I obey my parents? | Should I obey them even when my father abuses me Physically and Emotionally? |
Should jewels be forbidden in churches? | How should a woman present herself before God? |
Should musical instruments be allowed in church services? | Is it a sin to use musical instruments in church? |
Should older people get married? | Is it right for the elderly to marry? |
Should Pastors be paid? | How should preachers of the word be compensated? |
Should we celebrate Christmas, Easter, birthdays? | Is there a Biblical problem with celebrating such occasions? |
Should we confess our sins to each other? | Can we trust each other that much? |
Should we pray for the same thing over and over again? | Does this come under the heading of "vain repetitions" (Matthew 6:7)? |
Should we thank God for the serpent of Genesis chapter 3? | What is the serpent in Eden really? |
Should women wear pants? | What constitutes "male" clothing as far as women are concerned? |
Since we are saved by grace, can we do what we want? | Once we are saved are we ALWAYS saved, no matter what we do? |
Sins of the fathers - what does that mean? | Do children suffer because of the sins of their fathers? |
Someone I know crossdresses, is it a sin? | Can it be sinful to try to dress like someone of the opposite sex? |
Stories from the bible on being your brother's keeper? | Please illustrate from the Bible the notion of being your brother's keeper. |
Tattoos - sinful? | Are tattoos wrong and sinful? |
Teaching salvation to children | What is the best way to teach children the Gospel? |
Tell me about prayer? | Does God hear and answer prayer? How should we pray? |
Thanksgiving: what is the meaning ? | Why should we give thanks? How is it useful for us to render thanksgiving to God? |
The Bible and Depression | What does God say what scriptures to use when depressed? |
The Bible and Divorce | What does the Bible teach about divorce and remarriage? |
The Bible says I cannot please God without faith. How can I get a deep faith? | Is faith an emotional thing or is it purely rational or is it a combination of these things? |
The Bible talks about barren women who later had children. Why did they have to wait? | What does the bible say about barren women who had to wait til late in life to have children? What is the lesson for us? |
The Lord works in many way his ???? | How does this line end? Is it found in the Bible? |
The tongue is like a two edged sword, what does that mean? | The tongue - tool for blessing or for evil! |
Tithes and the Bible. | Is it a Biblical requirement to pay tithes? |
To what do you subject yourself when you forget God? | Are there immediate consequences? |
We are living now and have pain, sickness,death,sadness, why? | After all, we didn't ask to be born! It's not our fault! |
We are told not to love the world but also that God "So loved the world..." | Is God contradicting Himself? |
Were Adam and Eve white? | What race were our first parents? |
What scriptures deal with anxiety and depression? | Can we gain comfort for mental illness by means of the Bible? |
What are first fruits offerings? | When should we give a first fruits offering? |
What are some great love stories in the bible? | How is love illustrated in the Bible? |
What are some scriptures that speak about our attitude towards the elderly? | How should we treat our elders? |
What are the Biblical teachings on loving one another? | What does the Bible mean by "love"? |
What are the characteristics of a Christian leader? | What qualities must we look for to fill leadership roles? |
What are the characteristics of a good wife? | Must a wife be subordinate to her husband? |
What are the commandments of Jesus? | Are they different from the 10 commandments? |
What are the commandments we should follow today? | Are some Biblical commandments no longer in force? |
What are the differences between saints and the world? | Are "saints" really so different from the rest of us? |
What are the God-approved discipline and instruction for raising children? | How does the Bible counsel us to raise children? |
What are the greatest tools to build up our faith in Jesus Christ? | How can we find help to live a holy life? |
What are the impediments to prospering in God's way? | What keeps us from spiritual success? |
What are the qualities of a good character? | Please define these good characteristics: holiness, purity, contrite heart, fear of God, faithfulneess, obedience, seek & loves GOD, servant of the LORD. |
What are the qualities of a righteous person? | Can only those designated "saints" be considered truly righteous? |
What are the three characteristics of a good Christian leader? | Are there only 3? |
What are the three parts of salvation? | Are there only three? |
What are the traits of God found in man? | We are made in God's image do we then share some of His characteristics? |
What are tithes? | Are they important in the 21st century? |
What are vile sins according to the Bible? | What behaviours does God hate? |
What are works of righteousness? | What part do works play in our salvation? |
What Biblical laws must we follow? | How many rules and regulations must a Christian follow today? What are they? |
What can you tell me about the Lord Jesus Christ's blessings? | What are they and do they apply to us? |
What did Israelites look like originally? Where are they now? | Are present day Israelis and Jews truly descendants of the original Hebrews? |
What did Jesus mean when said he didnt come to make peace? | Isn't Jesus' role to bring peace? Why did he say that he came to bring a sword? |
What did Jesus say one must do after believing the gospel? | Is simply declaring one's belief verbally enough to be saved? |
What do Christadelphians think about the season of "Lent"? | Do Christadelphians practice Lent? If so, why? If not, why? |
What does "lovers of self" mean? | To love oneself - to be self-centred. |
What does "many are called but few are chosen" mean? | Are there only a relative few who will be saved? |
What does "our daily bread" mean? | Is he talking about food, money, what? |
What does "train up a child" mean? | How should parents raise their children to respect God? |
What does 'alive unto God ' mean in Romans 6:13? | How can we die to the world and live unto God? |
What does a woman's head covering signify? | Are head coverings for women in Christ required today? |
What does appearance of evil mean in I Thessalonians 5:22? |
Do we need to be sensitive to things that others may think wrong even though they aren't really? |
What does Colossians 3:23 say? | Shouldn't we try to please our employers? |
What does Hebrews 10 verse 26 mean? | Can a saved sinner having deliberately returned to a sinful life come back to God? |
What does it mean to "let this mind be in which was in Christ Jesus"? | How can we have the mind of Christ? |
What does it mean to "seek first the kingdom of God"? |
Putting God first in our lives! |
What does it mean to deny yourself? | Aren't we supposed to be full of self confidence? |
What does it mean to gain the whole world and lose your soul? | But don't we need education, a house, money, etc. and yet this is a part of the world, isn't it? |
What does it mean to have conviction? |
Does conviction have to do with judgment?
What does it mean to turn the other cheek? | How many times should a person be forgiven for their toxic actions? |
What does john 14:21 mean? | What are Jesus' commandments and how can we show our love for him? |
What does Matthew 25 verse 21 mean? | Does this verse have a life application? |
What does My flesh has to die daily mean? |
What are we being taught by this saying? |
What does Paul mean by Philippians 4:4-7? | How can we rejoice and enjoy the peace of God? |
What does Paul mean in Romans 15:1-3 that we are to please people? | Are we meant to be people-pleasers as Christians? |
What does proverbs 17 verse 9 mean? | How can we apply its meaning to our daily life? |
What does Psalm 84:1-2 mean? | How can we apply this Psalm to our lives today? |
What does redeem in the time mean? | In what chapter is this phrase located? |
What does repentance mean? |
What do we have to do to repent of our sins? |
What does reprove mean? | Is it okay to criticize others? |
What does the Bible have to say about single women? | Is it okay for a woman to remain single? |
What does the Bible mean by "giving"? | Is the Bible only concerned with giving money to the church? |
What does the Bible mean by the word 'vanity'? | Does it mean in Hebrew and Greek the same as English or is there a deeper meaning? |
What does the Bible really say concerning faith? | Is faith just belief in something, whatever it might be? |
What does the Bible say about adultery? | Does adultery have a spiritual meaning too? |
What does the Bible say about alcoholics? | Can an alcoholic be in God's kingdom? |
What does the bible say about being afraid all the time? | Can the Bible help us to cope with fear? |
What does the Bible say about being cremated? |
What does the Bible say about brothers? | What can we learn about brotherly relationships? |
What does the Bible say about burning a body after the person dies? | Is the Bible against cremation? |
What does the Bible say about courtship? | Is it okay to indulge in sex while courting? |
What does the Bible say about cremation? | Does cremation affect resurrection? |
What does the Bible say about cremation? | Does burning the body affect one's ability to be resurrected when Jesus returns? |
What does the Bible say about dancing? | Does the Bible forbid dancing? |
What does the Bible say about divorce? | Is divorce ever permitted? |
What does the Bible say about eating pork? | Are there any dietary restrictions binding on followers of Christ? |
What does the bible say about family members marrying each other? | Does the Bible condone incest? |
What does the bible say about gossip? | Is it okay if the "gossip" is true? |
What does the Bible say about having sex before marriage? | Is any sexual activity outside of marriage sanctioned? |
What does the Bible say about honoring parents when they don't honor God? | How should we behave towards unbelieving parents? |
What does the Bible say about leaving an inheritance to our children? | How much of an obligation is it to leave an inheritance for them? |
What does the Bible say about lodges? | Is it okay to belong to lodges or service clubs? |
What does the Bible say about modesty? | What does "modesty" actually mean in a Biblical context? |
What does the bible say about polygamy? | Is polygamy a sin? Will practicing polygamy send you to hell? |
What does the Bible say about prayer and fasting? | Is fasting profitable today? How is it related to prayer? |
What does the bible say about Santa Claus? | Is the Bible really against the "Jolly Old Elf"? |
What does the Bible say about Santa Claus? | Is the "jolly old elf" a Biblical character? |
What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? | Is it permissible so long as you love your partner? |
What does the Bible say about tattoos? |
Is it okay to decorate the body with permanent ink?
What does the Bible say about temptation? | Is there a devil or demons who tempt us? |
What does the Bible say about tests or testing? | Why must we experience trials in life? |
What does the Bible say about tithing? | Are we bound to give a certain percentage of our earnings to the church? |
What does the Bible say about worship? |
How can we worship God acceptably? |
What does the Bible say our purpose is? | Why are we here? |
What does the bible says about anger? | Is there such a thing as "righteous anger"? |
What does the Bible Teach about child care? | What about those born with autism?" |
What does the bible teach about Euthanasia? | Is mercy killing ever justifiable? |
What does the Bible teach about gambling? | What does the Bible teach about gambling? |
What does the Bible teach about masturbation? |
Is this practice ever appropriate?
What does the husband of one wife mean? | Did brethren in Christ sometimes have more than one wife in Paul's day? |
What does the passage 'do not cast your pearls before swine' mean? | How do we identify who is "swine" and who isn't? |
what does the phrase "the flesh wars against the spirit" mean? | Is this the great conflict in the Bible? |
What does walking in the power of the spirit mean? | Does this phrase occur in the Bible? |
What effect does cremation of my remains have at the resurrection? | If I am cremated and my ashes are contained in an urn is this the same as being buried? |
What food does God forbid believers to eat? | Do we need to follow dietary regulations in order to obey God? |
What happens if some family members believe and some don't? |
How can you reach out to unbelieving family members?
What happens to Jewish people? | Can Jews, or anyone for that matter, be saved apart from Christ? |
What happens to our children on judgment day? |
What happens to our children who are not baptised when we are taken to judgment? |
What happens to us when we think very highly of ourselves? | Why is pride a sin? |
What if someone swore on the Bible but didn't follow through? | Should we take an oath on the Bible? Or any oaths at all? |
What is meant by blessings and curses? | Can blessings and curses be pronounced on people today? |
What is a "stumbling block"? | Is a stumbling block referring to sin or to any kind of impediment? |
What is a good passage to read when I am struggling in life? | Is there a particular verse that would be helpful? |
What is a minister? | Can anyone be a "minister"? |
What is a scoffer? | What are the characteristics of a scoffer? |
What is an appropriate symbol for Christianity? | Is it a cross? a fish? a star of David? |
What is blasphemy? | What constitutes blasphemy? What is the penalty for blasphemy? |
What is circumcision? | How can we circumcise our hearts as per Deuteronomy10:16? |
What is discipleship? | |
What is divine providence? | How does God care for us? |
What is God's purpose for mankind? | How can I be ready for the second coming of Jesus? |
What is good Friday? | Is it a Bible sanctioned Holy Day? |
What is Love? | What does the Bible mean by "love"? |
What is meant by saying the mind is a battlefield? | What is our spiritual warfare? |
What is ministry? | Must one be a professional to be a minister of the Gospel? |
What is moral instruction? | What role does "moral instruction" play in my life as a Christian? |
What is my purpose in my life? | How can i serve God and have a succesfull life? |
What is my secondary purpose on earth? | Is my primary purpose to praise God, to replenish the earth, etc., but what kind of job job should I do? What do I focus on? |
What is salvation? | Saved from what? |
What is the best pattern for prayer? | Does the Bible teach us how to pray? |
What is the Bible's opinion regarding conspiracy theories such as the "Illuminati"? |
What passages speak of such things? |
What is the Biblical meaning of thanksgiving? | Why should we give thanks? How is it useful for us to render thanksgiving to God? |
What is the Biblical meaning of the word hope? | What do we, as followers of Christ, hope for in the end? |
What is the cosf of following Jesus? | Is it a difficult thing to follow Christ? |
What is the difference between a bill of divorce and putting asunder? | Is divorce ever permitted in the Bible? |
What is the difference between fornication and adultery? | Is one concerned with marriage and the other the wrong expression of sexuality generally? |
What is the difference between love and respect? | Can you love someone and not respect them and vice versa? |
What is the difference between pride and confidence? | Can you have one without the other? |
What is the difference between sin in Christ and sin outside the body of Christ? | Are there different types and degrees of sin? |
What is the fivefold ministry? | Is this a Biblical concept or just church jargon? |
What is the formula for baptism? | Does it matter was said just before a baptism? |
What is the fruit of the spirit? | Can we really be expected to live up to these qualities? |
What is the fruit of the spirit? | How is the fruit of the spirit manifested in our lives? |
What is the importance of giving offerings to God? | What can we possibly offer to God? |
What is the importance of obedience to leadership? | We must be careful regarding where we place our allegiance. |
What is the importance of songs of faith? | Is singing an important spiritual discipline? |
What is the importance of thanksgiving? | Why thank God? He knows our hearts doesn't He? |
What is the lesson in the parable of the talents? | What can we learn spiritually from this parable? |
What is the lesson of Luke 5? | How does it apply to life now? |
What is the meaning of Easter? | Should Christians celebrate Easter? |
What is the meaning of life? | How can the Bible show us our purpose in life? |
What is the meaning of the "sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children"? | Is God unfair in this? Doesn't it contradict other passages such as Deuteronomy 24:16? |
What is the most humane teaching of the Bible? | Love the Lord thy God and thy neighbour as thyself! |
What is the peace of God? | How can I experience it? |
What is the process of repenting to GOD for your sins? | Is it ever too late to repent? |
What is the prodigal son? | What is the significance of his example? |
What is the proper way to pray? | Are there any "set" prayers we should pray? |
What is the purpose of God in creating mankind? |
Why did God create us and why does He still care for us?
What is the role of a father? | What does the Bible say about fatherhood? |
What is the shema exactly? |
What is the truth about eating pork in the Bible? | Are there any dietary restrictions which we must observe today?
What is the value of thanksgiving? | Does God "need"our thanks? Is it mostly for us? |
What is the whole armor of God? | "What is the whole armor of God?" |
What is the world’s relationship with God? | Does He love the world or hate it because of sin and evil? |
What is true prosperity in a Christian's life? |
Does God really want you to be rich in this world's goods?
What is willful sinning? | Is your name removed from the book of life if you sin after baptism? |
What kind of behavior does Jesus say makes someone a great person? | How can I be a success in Jesus' eyes? |
What lesson should I learn in order to lean on God? | How can I trust God even when I am down? |
What must a person do to enter the Kingdom of God? | Are the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven the same thing? |
What must I do to make my faith in God strong? | What are the disciplines of effective discipleship? |
What must we not eat? | Are there still dietary restrictions in force? |
What part am I here to play on this earth? | What is my purpose in life? |
What part of the bible says that a woman shall not cut her hair? | Should a Christian woman allow her hair to grow unchecked? |
What portions of scripture explain prayer? | Why is prayer so difficult? |
What principle is highlighted in John 3 verse 30? | What can we learn from the words of John the Baptist? |
What reasons are there for Christians to have hope? | Is there hope in a hopeless world? |
What should I do everyday as spiritual discipline? | How can I serve? |
What should I expect to change in my life after Baptism? | Will the changes be dramatic? |
What should we eat: Meat, fish, or vegetarian? | Are followers of Jesus constrained by any dietary restrictions? Is it okay to drink tea and coffee? |
What steps should I take to be successful? | Does the Bible have a get rich quick formula? |
What verse says if you reach out to Him, He will reach out to you? | If we sincerely seek Him, will we find Him? |
What verses encourage you to speak before a group? | How can I be spiritually prepared to speak in public? |
What verses teach us to follow Jesus Christ as our King? | Is Jesus our King as well as our Saviour? |
What was the reasoning behind circumcision? | Why was it necessary? Is it still a requirement? |
What will I get if I give willingly? | What's in it for me? |
What will the tribulations be like? |
Will we have to suffer before Christ comes?
What's the difference between telling the truth and gossiping? | If the story I tell is true, is it still gossip? |
What's the importance of giving in church? | Must I give to the church specifically? Must I "tithe"? |
When a person dies what happens to their soul and spirit? | Do they die too? |
When are we to partake of bread and wine in rememberance of Jesus? | What is the frequency? Is there a particular day of the year to do this? |
When did God discontinue mulitple wives? | Many men considered paragons of faith had multiple wives. Why was this permitted? |
When do you know if your making the right decisions? | How can we learn to make Godly choices? |
When does God forgive me for years of drug abuse and thefts? |
What verses can help me to do the right thing?
When God said come as you are, did He mean to come in old ragged clothes? | How should we come before God? |
When shoud a person be baptized? |
Is there a set age for baptism? |
When should women have their heads covered? | Should they bother at all or is it only when praying? |
When there is a struggle within us how can we be connected to God? | How do you commit to obedience when there is a struggle to be connected with GOD the way Solomon, and David for example knew God? |
When we pray do we go to God through the name of Jesus? | Or, do we pray directly to Jesus? |
Where did God tell us how long we can live? | Is the general span of human life predetermined? |
Where do we read that God should be first in our lives? | Does that mean family is second, work third, etc.? |
Where does it say in the Bible not to sing in church? | On the contrary, singing is actively encouraged! |
Where does it say in the Bible that tattoos will be removed? | Are tattoos sinful? |
Where does the Bible say that sins against the Holy Spirit are not forgiven? | Aren't all sins forgiveable? |
Where does the Bible say that we should go to church? | Can't we just worship God in our way by ourselves? |
Where does the Bible speak of relationships? | Relationships with God and the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another. |
Where in the Bible can I study to be successful in life? | Successful materially or spiritually? |
Where in the Bible did God give his okay to eat pork? |
Are there any dietary restrictions binding on Christians?
Where in the Bible does God say that He does not help him who does not help himself? | Do we depend on God or just on ourselves? |
Where in the Bible does it caution against arguing? | Is the Bible specific about this? |
Where in the Bible does it say for children to obey your parents? | Children should obey their parents in the Lord. |
Where in the Bible does it speak about not being able to drink liquor? | After all, wasn't wine drunk in Biblical times even by the Lord? |
Where in the Bible does it talk about health? | Healthy living now and eternal health in the future! |
Where is the passage where the LORD says he will be with us always? | He will never forsake us. |
While reading John 6:67, I was moved. Was Jesus speaking to me? | What are His expectations of me? |
Who spread the gospel to India? | Is anyone named as a preacher to India? |
Why are black people black? | Is it a sign of a divine curse? |
Why are we born if we have to be perfect like Jesus to enter heaven? | If we must be perfect, why would allow us to be born, just to cast us into hell? |
Why are we encouraged to do good to our enemies? | Why should treat well those who mistreat us? |
Why are women to cover their heads as per 1 Corinthians 11? | Why not men too? |
Why can't we eat pork? | Are there any dietary prohibitions relevant to Christians? |
Why did David have such trust and confidence in God? |
What can we learn from David's faith?
Why did god allow Job to suffer so much? | Job was righteous so why did God pick on him? |
Why did God command Israel to kill women and children? | How can such a command be justified? |
Why did God create men and women? | Was God lonely? Did He want to have beings to love and to love him in return?
Why did Jesus teach us "the Lord's Prayer"? | Did he mean for us to repeat it word for word? |
Why did Jesus want carpenters and fishermen for his disciples? | Does he demand that we give away our possessions and that discipleship will cost all that we have? |
Why do Christadelphians not participate in politics? | Do you believe that no professing Christian should be involved in the political process? |
Why do Christians usually go to church? | Can't we just worship on our own? |
Why do I feel that God is not hearing my prayers? | I feel lost. I read the bible but I don't always understand it. |
Why do i feel that my life is just the same and nothing has changed? | Why is life such a roller-coaster ride? |
Why do I have bad sinful thoughts all the time? | What can I do to change my way of thinking? |
Why do Jewish men cover their heads to pray? | Should we do the same? |
Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25? | Does the Bible talk about this date? Does it even mention Christmas? |
Why do we give up something for lent? | Is this tradition Biblical or is it a Catholic practice? |
Why do we have to love Jesus more than our own children? | Why must we put Christ and his Father's Kingdom first in our lives? |
Why do we have to read the Bible and pray every day? |
Why do we have to be so diligent in spiritual things?
Why do we live only to die? | What's the point? |
Why do we need to confess our sins? | Does God not know our sins already? |
Why does evil happen at night? | It happens during the day too! |
Why does God allow an evil person to kill a righteous person? | Why does God allow the righteous to suffer at the hands of the unrighteous? |
Why does God allow bad people to live great lives? | Why aren't evil men and women punished in this life? |
Why does God allow human suffering to go on so long? | What reason could there possibly be? |
Why does God allow suffering? | How can a loving God tolerate the suffering of His children? |
Why does God forgive even when mankind continues to sin? | Is there a limit to His mercy? |
Why does God let babies be killed? | Aren't babies innocent? Why should they die? |
Why does God let His people be persecuted? |
What about all the evil that people do to each other? Why does God allow that to happen? |
Why does God love me? | I have ADHD and Autism. Many people say I am a mistake. |
Why does God put us through things we can't handle? | Does God allow us to suffer trials too difficult for us? |
Why does God want his people to turn from their wicked ways ? | Surely, if the wicked were saved once, they are always saved, no? |
Why does the Lord's prayer say 'lead us not into temptation'? | In this case "temptation" means trial". |
Why don't Christadelphians encourage fasting? | Is there a spiritual and/or medical benefit to the practice of fasting? |
Why don't Christadelphians pay tithes? | Do Christadelphians have rules for giving? |
Why don't Christians celebrate Easter at the same Time Jews celebrate the Passover? | After all, wasn't Jesus crucified during Passover? |
Why is Easter called Easter? | Is the celebration of Easter Biblically sound? |
Why is it hard to focus on what is important? |
Why is it so difficult to read the Bible and pray even though we are baptized?
Why is the Bible filled with so much violence, sexism, and promotion of slavery? | Aren't Jesus and the Bible supposed to be about love? |
Why is there so much hypocrisy in the church today? |
Why must Christians never swear an oath? | Is it wrong to guarantee that what we say is true? |
Why should I not be actively involved in politics, protests, etc.? | Shouldn't we express our anger openly about sin in the world? |
Why should we bring our offerings to God? | What kind of offerings should we give to God? |
Why should we pray? | What are the benefits of prayer? |
Why was polygamy allowed by God in the Old Testament? | Why isn't having more than one wife or husband permissible today? |
Will God forgive people with tattoos if they repent? |
Will having a tattoo keep me from the Kingdom of God? | Am I sinning while the tattoo remains even though I tried to erase it? |
Will I finally have peace? | Can I find it now or do I have to wait for Jesus to return? |
Will smoking weed send you to hell? |
Is the use of marijuana sinful?
Will the Judgement be private or public? | Will our sins be proclaimed upon the housetops as in Luke 12:1-12? |
Would it be a sin if a married couple decided not to have children? | Is the raising of children the primary purpose of marriage? |
Would it be acceptable to join the armed forces as a non-combatant? | For example would it be okay to be a medic, an engineer, or an administrator? |