The best way, since you have access to a computer, is to download free Bible software such as E-sword ( or the Online Bible (
If you do not want to download software, go directly to the Bible Gateway website ( where you may do your searches online. Of course to use Bible Gateway, you must be signed-in to the Internet. The other two programs, once you have downloaded them to your computer, may be used anytime without requiring internet access to use them.
The Online Bible and E-Sword software are free to download and Bible Gateway is also free to use. The value of these programs is that you can do "keyword searches", that is, you may search for a word or phrase in the Bible and receive a list of passages where that word or phrase occurs instantly. So, if you have an issue regarding "envy" you may do a keyword search on that word and find every place in the Bible where that word occurs.
You may also find this booklet useful: The Bible Our Guide (please click on the title)
I hope you have found this helpful.
God bless,