Bible Questions and Answers

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How can we have eternal life now? How can we, because we all die eventually?

When God created Adam, he gave him one commandment: Genesis 2:16,17

Adam ate of the fruit and was condemned to die.Genesis 3:17-19

From this we see that Adam and Eve were mortal, and this mortality was passed on to all their descendants. All commit sin and as a consequence all die.Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 5:12

God promised a redeemer for those who would believe him and try to live by his commandments. This redeemer would prove to be a descendent of Noah, Shem, Abraham, and David. This redeemer is Jesus Christ, a man conceived by the power of God acting upon Mary, a descendant of David.

Jesus lived a sinless life and became a willing sacrifice for the sins of the faithful of all ages. He is the mediator of a New Covenant which replaced the Covenant God made with Israel at Sinai.

He preached the Gospel which opens a way of salvation from death to all who will believe and submit to baptism and make a determined effort to obey his commandments.

By baptism and obedience, we pass from Adam into Christ, from death to eternal life by a future resurrection from the dead when Jesus returns. 1 Corinthians 15:22,23

In Christ, we have eternal life in prospect if we remain in him. John 5:24;1 John 5:11-13

Clearly those in Christ continue to die because they cannot receive eternal life until Christ returns. Eternal life requires a change of nature. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Philippians 3:20,21

Jesus is our example. He did not receive eternal life until God raised him from the dead. John 5:28, 29

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