If l read Matthew chapter 6, what is the Bible trying to teach me?
Matthew Chapter 6
- 1-4 Charitable deeds are to be done secretly not ostentatiously. Matthew 6:1-4
- 5-8 Individual prayers to be made privately, not in public. Repetitive language to be avoided. Matthew 6:5-8
- 9-13 A model prayer. Matthew 6:9-13
- God’s name to be reverenced,
- The soon arrival for God’s kingdom on earth requested.
- Our daily food to be provided
- Our sins to be forgiven as we forgive others.
- Not to be led into situations which test our faith.
- To be delivered from evil (not the ‘evil one’)
- God’s eternal sovereignty and power acknowledged.
- 14-15 If we won’t forgive others, God won’t forgive us. Matthew 6:14,15
- 16-18 Fasting to be carried out in secret Matthew 6:16-18
- 19-21 We are not to make the acquisition of riches our goal in this life. Rather we are to live lives which are pleasing to God which will be rewarded when the kingdom of heaven is established on the earth.
- 22 we are not to have an ‘evil eye’ meaning we are not to be stingy towards others. Rather we are to cultivate a generosity of spirit Matthew 6:19-21
- 24 Setting out to acquire riches and serving God are incompatible.Matthew 6:24
- 25-34 We are not to be over-anxious about the necessities of this life. Rather we are to serve God and seek his future kingdom and he will provide for our needs. Matthew 6:25-34
I hope this helps
God bless,