Bible Questions and Answers

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Can you explain Ephesians 2:11,12? Does it mean that ignorant gentiles will die without any chance of salvation?

Right from creation disobedience to God’s commandments carried the judicial punishment of death. Ezekiel 18:4. Ignorance of this law is no defence and we know that all sin.

Following creation, all of Adam and Eve’s offspring knew the true God, but exercising their God-given freewill, they turned from God and filled the earth with violence. God destroyed them with a flood, saving just Noah and his family alive.

After the flood, all of Noah’s offspring knew the true God, but again, using their freewill they turned away from him and made themselves idols to worship.

God chose Abraham and from him came the nation of Israel. God gave them his Laws and statutes and they should have been an example to the ‘gentile’ nations. Sadly, instead of being an example, they adopted the idolatrous practices of the 'gentile' nations.

After centuries of warnings, they killed the Messiah that they professed to be waiting for – refusing to believe God's word in their own scriptures. Then the Gospel was opened up to the gentiles.

Paul, on Mars Hill. in Athens, explains the problem: Romans 1:18-32

Those gentiles in ignorance of the true God are the victims of their own forefathers who substituted the truth with mythology.

On the other side of the coin, so to speak, God in his foreknowledge, has known from the beginning of creation all those who would respond in faith to the truth and none of them will be lost.

God as creator is free to do what he will with his creation, and we have no choice other than to accept this. Romans 9:14-24

We have every reason to believe that God loves his creation and has always and will always do that which is just and right because that is His nature — for which we are very thankful. Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:9

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God bless,