For more information, call 1 (758) 453-0571 (Leave a message) or WhatsApp Mike LeDuke 519-574-6014 (talk, text)
We meet on Sunday Mornings at the Christadelphian Mission House to partake of bread and wine in memory of our Lord in fellowship together and to be exhorted from God's word. Bible Class is held at different days during the week also at the Christadelphian Mission House. Please call in case the time and location have been changed.
Enter at the gate directly across from the Lion's Club entrance on the unnamed street running from Desir Avenue to Mac Vane Road, up from Serenity Park.
Come and join us around God's word! A warm welcome awaits you!
See the map below for our location.
If you would like to speak with a Christadelphian in St. Lucia, please contact Mike LeDuke below: